Tuesday 16 November 2010

A Career In Corporate Communication

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The ever growing need for corporate to maintain and uphold the brandimage has led to an explosion of the need to communicate. Target audiencestoday are varied – internal as well as external.
The workplace is a constantlyflowing matrix of information. Employees(www.careertunity.com) today are being constantly bombarded by a volume of material that may or maynot be work related. Regularteam meetings and constant updates on organizational operations help employeesfeel more involved. Company news and policies can be exchanged via the intranetoffice network, company newsletters etc. An effective feedback system needs tobe established, since this boosts employee morale subsequently results inbetter performance. Creating a network of communication heads (formal orinformal positions) can prove greatly helpful.
Effective communication of company related news tostake holders ensures that they remain updated on the happenings of thecompany. Communication allows stakeholders to better understand the company’s purpose, goals, valuesand objectives.
Today corporate communication hasbecome synonymous with public relations, as it is essential that theorganization build and maintain a steady reputation before the media, andconsequently – the public. By seeking to uphold the company’s corporate image and positioning iteffectively, corporate communication stressesthat this function is not limited to the PR department alone but is the responsibilityof every employee. A solid relationship with the press will facilitate timelydissemination of information to the public as and when required.
While most organizations swear by the integrated marketingcommunications; it is important to comprehend and be open to internationalstandards of communication systems. A well organized system ensures thatmessages are delivered on time, in their complete essence and to the rightaudience.
Individuals interested in a career in corporate communication, must bepassionately creative individuals with strong communication skills. Individualsinterested in this post are required to hold a communication degree. Thecorporate communicator is responsible for handling all communication, bothinternal and external. It is his responsibility to plan and execute effectivecommunication plans for the organization and to monitor their working on aregular basis. He projects a carefully designed image of the company before themedia and the customers. The corporate communicator has an important role as heis responsible for maintaining the image, integrity and brand name of thecorporation.
The corporate communication field today is a dynamic industry, withtalented individuals vying for the top positions. It is a relatively new field,and there is a need for specialized corporate communication academic courses.Most communication degree programs include an overview of corporatecommunication in their curriculum. Murdoch University Dubai offers corporatecommunication as an elective with its Digital Journalism diploma course whileEMDI, Dubai offers a diploma in PR & Corporate Communication. There are nodefined specifications for entering this field besides a confident attitude,the ability to build and maintain a contact base and a talent for getting themessage across to people. Pursuing a career in this field would be unheard of,till a decade ago. However, with companies today placing utmost importance ontheir brand image, corporate communication is here to stay.
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