Tuesday 16 November 2010

Finding the best career advice

 **Career job information for job seekers and find good   employment job 

The aged idea that career advice is to help students with career choices is fundamentally flawed. Make no mistake choosing the right career path is an essential part of being happy and successful in your career. However, career planning, career education and career development are equally important. Whether you have an established career or just starting out you are never too old or too young to benefit from insightful career advice. The good news, there is no shortage of people who are willing to offer career advice. The bad news, often career advice is opinionated and not based on industry knowledge. Independent and unbiased information by industry professionals creates career resources that are infinitely more valuable than others.

Navigating the intricacies of the dynamic world of work is an extremely tricky business filled with uncertainties and pitfalls. Everyone should re-evaluate their careers on a regular basis to keep their perspective on their career path fresh. Complete career advice focuses on identifying your true calling, your career goals and developing a strategy and implementation plan to achieve those goals. This includes knowing: how to choose a career, how to evaluate your career fit, how to search for the right job, how to write an effective CV, how to ace an interview, how to make the most of career opportunities, defining career goals, how to implement a plan of action, how to improve promotion prospects, training and career education options, and how to change careers effectively without burning bridges.

Besides the dynamic employment market, everyone changes as they grow, their personalities, values, interests and skills evolve. Good career advice can help you realign your career prospects with personal attributes to help increase your chances of success. Industry professionals are the most reliable source for this type of advice, understanding the industry and being able to articulate what employers are looking for, knowing the industry and job specifications can combine to produce a valuable resource for the unemployed, newly employed and those who are in need of change.

Actionable career advice will get you moving on a solid plan for making your career dreams happen. However, getting a job and building a career is ultimately your own responsibility and no amount of career advice and guidance will help you achieve success without putting in loads of effort.

Source: http://www.talentocean.co.za/article/career-advice
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