Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

In May of 1999 John Elway announced his retirement from football, while hockey star Wayne Gretzky played his last game in April 1999. A few months before that, in January, Michael Jordan retired from basketball. These three men serve as role models for many athletes interested in pursuing a professional career.

However, the fact is only the top athletes make it to the pros. Others who have an interest in sports find themselves pursuing careers in the industry, but not necessarily on the field or court.

Like Elway, who looked at his exit not as a retirement but as "a graduation," professional athletes eventually leave the game and plan to move on to other careers. They usually stay within the industry, becoming coaches, team managers, or broadcasters. This article will provide information for those interested in pursuing a career job in the sports industry, both on and off the field.

Occupational Information

  • Athlete
  • Athletic Coach
  • Athletic Trainer

The following occupational profiles do not specifically discuss the sports industry. However, those who work in these occupations may specialize in that area.

  • Announcers
  • Writers and Editors