1. Your writing ability (which we will take as read);
  2. Pride in the value of your work;
  3. A willingness to learn and try another approach;
  4. The right tools to produce your work;
  5. Persistence and determination;
  6. Readiness to follow marketing guidance
With all of that you will soon be able to say that writing as a career was a sound decision - you will not only have written and produced your own e-book, but you will have published it and what's more actually sold some copies!!
If you still want to go down the traditional route of producing a physical book or novel, it's much easier when you know the market is ready for you.

So Let's Get Started

You can easily polish up your skills with a writing course which will iron out any difficulties you may have had. It doesn't have to be a book, it could be a report or other business correspondence. Perhaps you are engaged in technical writing on some issue that you have knowledge of.
It is very simple - all that stands between you and your success as a published writer is the lack of the required tools. If you take a look at either of the examples of my ebooks above you will note they are in Portable Document Format (.pdf). This is the most popular format for ebooks because it can be viewed on any PC or Apple Mac and the ebook will always look the same. other forms of presentation used by ebook compilers are often executable files (.exe) which can only be viewed on Windows based systems i.e. PCs and cannot be viewed on Macs so you limit the audience.
The software to produce .exe based ebooks is also usually fairly expensive for example Ebook Gold which is one of the best professional e-book compilers on the market costs $97.00 which is quite an expense when you are setting out.
Equally the top rated PDF creator Adobe Acrobat will cost at least $129.00 but you can get the reader free if you don't already have it by clicking here.
However what you need when starting out is to keep the costs down so I recommend you download the suite of tools at Open Office which is completely free and every bit as good as MS Office - you can export to PDF with one click of your mouse.
